Tuesday, June 23, 2009


i used to enjoy packing up and moving. maybe because i never had much stuff. or maybe because it usually meant i was getting ready to spend a summer with stephen or mike or jason and the rest of the gang. usually i could cram everything into my truck.

now- this whole packing thing is overrated. i have way too much stuff which i built once i moved in, so i'm either going to have to take it apart or try my best to wedge it out of here. do you think anyone would call the cops on me if they saw me trying to carry things out from the basement windows? probably not- that's probably a standard occurrence here in dc.

plus, i have no truck. let me be clear- i took my fair share of ridicule and ribbing from the guys and gals when i bought my truck. "why didn't you buy a car" "you're wasting gas" etc. were the common phrases bandied about. but, when they needed something moved- who did they call? not 1-800-u-haul or whatever it is. that's right, me. and because they're my friends and i love them dearly, i'd help out when i could.

now- my truck is 600 miles away. and i'm trying to figure out whether bed frames and boxes can fit in a zipcar. (maybe i'll get lucky and not get the mini cooper this time). i could try to find the one pickup that is in dc on the zipcar list, but that's just as bad as having ian drive my truck up here to help out. i think. hey ian- busy this week? :)

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