Monday, June 22, 2009

and so it begins

hey everyone. as promised, here's my attempt at keeping a record of my summer. well, the part that you all care about anyway. :)

in about 9 days or so, i'll be boarding a plane and heading to oxford to study for 8 weeks. in between now and then i get to move from one apartment to another and attempt to then unpack in the new place, and then pack for my trip. i hope to somehow manage at least 2 hour rides each day between now and then since my riding time is going to diminish immediately upon leaving. i'll let you know if any more crazy people attack me on the streets.

i'm not entirely sure what to expect on this oxford trip. lots of work to be sure- each class has its own final "project" (i.e. research paper) to go along with it. but then again, i'll be staying in oxford and trying to spend as much time soaking it all in as possible. this all could have been avoided in the first place if oxford would have just taken me on as a full time student last year. but alas, god works in mysterious ways (how was i supposed to know the financial markets would crash, and with it, any real full time opportunities for those not already having had experience (whither intern or full time))? so- perhaps this 8 week assignment is the way to go.

in the meantime- i'm putting my head down and going full speed until next wednesday on the plane, when i just might finally catch some sleep.

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