Thursday, July 16, 2009

organizational skills

so, after spending the last day researching and running around trying to book my "extended weekend" trip, i have decided to go on a tour of southern ireland with some friends. we're leaving dublin on friday next week and spending three days traveling around. then staying overnight in dublin sunday night and coming back late night monday (actually not getting back to oxford until tuesday morning, but that's due to the bus/ferry we're taking overnight).

i'd like to point out that i finally learned something in business school that was applicable to my life. and that was that when it's time to make a final decision, i'm very good at laying down the law and then organizing people around that law. granted some people are wimps and the prospect of spending two nights on a bus/ferry (since we're doing it overnight thursday/friday to get to ireland in the first place) scares them. but for me and 2 other guys- we're going to persevere through it all. especially since the bus/ferry portion of the trip is now free due to my newfound negotiating tactics. (so i suppose that's 2 things i've learned in business school that have been directly applicable to my life).

this weekend i'm headed up to scotland to visit some old friends. can't wait- it's been way too long and i miss scotland so much. for you long timers you'll recall how much i felt "at home" in scotland and how much i wanted to stay permanently. so, returning to scotland is going to be great, but probably bittersweet at the same time. in any event, it'll be worth it!

does anyone out here in blogo-land know the best way to post pictures online? is it still shutterfly or whatever that thing is called? i have about 89 pictures or so so far that i would love to share with the group. and, as i said before, the whole facebook way of doing it is annoying since many readers on this blog do not have a facebook account to begin with.

i'm off to the library for now. enjoy your thursday morning! tomorrow i'm going to the mini cooper plant- so that should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest Picasa - google's picture service. It's pretty handy, and if you have a mac there is an iphoto plug-in
